The book "Eat Chew Live" has now been out a little more than 1 year and it has already helped several thousands of people to better understand why they have high blood sugar and Type 2 diabetes. They have also learned how they can alter their eating habits to lose weight and reverse diabetes. My belief that eating grains causes diabetes, rather than insulin resistance, is being proven in several studies that show that low-carbohydrate diets are the key to losing weight and preventing diabetes. To celebrate the one-year anniversary of Eat Chew Live, we have created a new video that stresses the fact that anyone can develop diabetes. You do not need to be overweight or have a family history of it.
We invite you to watch our video promotion for the book and ask that you share it with as many people as possible. I would love it if you encourage everyone you know to read the book so they too can understand why changing your diet to avoid grains is the major key to preventing high blood sugar and diabetes. Eat Chew Live teaches you the natural way to lose weight and maintain reduced weight, and how to eat to enjoy your food. Thank you for your support.