5 Cellulite Causes You should Know about

Having cellulite does nothing for your self-esteem. In fact, there are studies that show it can increase stress hormones. This may lead to depression and feelings of  a negative self-image. As the saying goes, knowledge is power. So, let’s look at the facts.

Cellulite Causes – 5 Things you should know

  1. Genetic Predisposition
The start of cellulite is rooted in skin structure and genetics and this makes some woman more prone to cellulite than others. That doesn’t mean you are stuck with cottage cheese thighs though.. Bellabaci Cupping Massage will help to remove the toxins and drain excess fluid while lipid pockets are broken down. Does just 10 minutes per day sound good? Definitely!
  1. Cellulite Can be Caused by Toxins
Another culprit that is linked to cellulite are the toxins from a not-so-healthy diet. Eating a well-balanced diet with plenty of raw fruit and veggies are essential. They contain enzymes that help the breakdown of these substances, which are otherwise destroyed by cooking. Foods that are processed are like wood to a fire. These contain sugar, sodium, fat and other chemicals that lead to a toxic buildup. The toxins get stored in your fat cells, resulting in more cellulite. Too much sugar, if not used for energy, is also stored as fat whereas excess sodium leads to fluid buildup. This contributes to the dimpled appearance of cellulite. How can Bellabaci help? By draining the tissues and clearing the lymphatics, you speed up toxin removal and lessening the ugliness that cellulite brings!
  1. You are what you eat
When your dietary intake is filled with nutrients and antioxidants, your body can naturally deal with all the waste and cellular byproducts. Intake of Vitamin A and C also assists with the rebuilding of collagen and elastin. These wonderful vit’s restores your skin’s resilience, texture and tone. The more colorful your plate is, the more you can be sure that you are adding the good stuff.
  1. Dehydration makes cellulite appear worse
We can’t say this enough. More in, more out. If you are slacking on the H2O intake, your body will hold on to stored fluid for dear life! Aim for at least 8 glasses per day. Remember to add extra when exercising, drinking coffee and also when you are in hotter climates. Water also helps to increase circulation, flush toxins from your body and takes the stress off your liver and kidneys. Not to mention that your skin benefits as well in smoothness and tone! Your Bellabaci Cups will help to manually drain excess fluid buildup and get the ball rolling for prevention of future fluid buildup too!
  1. Flex those muscles
Regular exercise is one of the most important factors to getting rid of cellulite. Aim to include a balance of strength, cardio and stretch type exercises into your regime. A personal trainer is always a good idea when starting out. Your Bellabaci Cups are ideal to use pre- and post workout. First to warm up your muscles, and afterwards to drain any cellular byproducts produced during your workouts. They also relieve pain where you may have pulled a muscle or hurt your knee for example. Your Bellabaci Cups are travel friendly, so remember to pop them in you gym bag!
Top Tip: The Bellabaci Cellulite Be Gone Kit is a professional system to treat cellulite effectively. By treating yourself to a daily 10 minute massage on your problem areas, you start to see inch-loss, reduction in cellulite and an amazing improvement in skin tone.
How do you use The Bellabaci Cellulite Be Gone Kit? It’s simple!
It’s as easy as squeeze the cup, set down on your skin and glide! Use circular or zig-zag motions, always drain towards the heart and use your Cellulite Be Gone Genie oil to facilitate movement. Whether you do it in the shower, or in front of the TV, you can be sure to be on your way to a cellulite-free body soon!

SOURCE: www.Bellabaci.com
AUTHOR: Nicolette
                  Esthetician and Cupping Expert, 2005 – present
                  A super-qualified and experienced Esthetician, Cupping Expert and blogger extraordinaire.

For more info, visit their website at www.bellabaci.com


Bellabaci contact info:
Address                  - 106 B Captiola Drive Durham NC 27713, USA
Telephone No.        - 844-200-6500 
Email Address         - info@bellabaci.com
Schedules                - Monday – Sunday: 08.00-20.00